ARIES (Mar 20 – Apr 19)
Sometimes love is sacrifice. When you trust someone enough, it’s easy to put their needs first when it’s right. Walls go up and compromises become difficult when you doubt that the one you love would treat you the same way. Considering this, watch when you easily offer your generosity and when you can’t help but withhold it.
TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
Your grief is not proof of your worthiness — it’s simply a fact of life. The amount of time you spend working is not time spent away from risk; it’s just a clock punched. Your value is not measured by your talents or abilities. You are simply welcome here on Earth.
GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20)
When do you feel most open to the world? When you are everywhere at once or when you are still? When you are accomplished or when you are childlike? When are you most at peace? Getting away or on the return home? Answer these questions, and let the answers guide you to more questions this fall.
CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 21)
When all is right with you, suffering is just a philosophical question. But sometimes you’re in deep contact with your own suffering. Perhaps you are in golden times personally, or maybe they are grey. Either way, your own suffering, however great, is an opportunity to truly understand the pain of others and to ground your compassion. The good times are there to sustain you.
LEO (Jul 22 – Aug 21)
Charisma starts from a desire to please others, but it can easily change into a shortcut to getting your way. Consider whether you’re charming to connect, or charming to conceal. Communication is above all about bridging the gaps between us. Entertainment is a valid way to do that, but there needs to be an underlying desire to know the other.
VIRGO (Aug 22 – Sep 21)
You are never more in control of a situation than when you anticipate its transformation with a certain lightness. The lightness comes from not knowing what changes circumstance will bring. Use what you can control, but stay nimble by seeing the long arc of the future like the deep waters of a lake — moving and unknowable.
LIBRA (Sep 22 – Oct 22)
To love well, you must allow yourself to be loved. Loving yourself involves being loved well by others. To develop your faith when others tell you they love you, you need time to yourself — understanding and coordinating your relationship with the universe. Become known to yourself this fall. It’s your time to be loved.
SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
The harvest is in. Turn beautiful things over in your hands. Feel their weight, shape, colour, texture. Smell the recent growth through the sun-warmed skin. These are days for appreciation, when your dormant senses come to life.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Consider your relationships with animals and babies. What do those who can’t speak to you with words teach you? What is the least verbal part of your nature communicating? How can you demonstrate your feelings and desires without words? What do you really need, elementally? What’s consistent about your nature through time?
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
So much conflict is left unsolved because both parties believed it was impossible to start the resolution process. Eventually, it seems too late. Is it possible to consider a longstanding conflict of yours in a new light? Could you be the one to start the work towards a new outcome?
AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
For your work to flourish, you have to understand why you’re doing it. To align yourself with what you most want to do, write yourself a letter articulating your plans and the impact you hope they’ll have. You owe it to yourself to connect your labour to meaning. Everything is worth more when your heart and brain are aligned with your purpose.
PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 19)
Sometimes life just feels like one big distraction from your dreamtime. The colder seasons bring fatigue that Pisces uniquely embraces; your sign tends to dive into your subconscious to recharge. However, maybe there are ways to dream while living. Listen deeply to music while doing household chores. Practice walking meditation. Structure your daydreams to support your life.
This article appeared in the 2024 Oct/Nov issue.